Saturday, 5 August 2023

The 'black' Plague


The 'black plague', something thrown around for years and noone even knew what it was. Well it was an end of world scenario. There are creatures of a disease like black goo squidsters out there that regulary make their way to earth and all your Igor's the boneless' and Lazareses and the top of the elongated giants were but the good ones and they used their dna to make more and better hybrid generations and even technology, especially biological evolution and mutations. It's how human's were created. But there are baddies out there and back when these plagues happened is because the flood waters that hit earth carried within a creature that when the waters resided they came out of the silt and attacked the humans and giants that were there at the time. Except before the flood it was a very advanced and technological earth, not some primate society. I guess if it wasnt for a saint nick of sorts, the irish might have had to share their land with these head suckers, see the aliens movie, that guy got a lot of things right. This stuff isn't the only baddie around, there is also a more whiter jelly like poisonous one that likes to feed on your mental stuff and cause a loss of memory and create a hive like atheistic thought patern in especially religous people. Suprisingly some are attracted to a certain 'buzz' that comes from opening qurans and things. But, it's nothing to fear, ask the guy above...he just needs some the rest of u. These gods, that u see as roman soliers, germanics and red caped st.michaels and mithraic guys all worked for me once, and it was a hard battle to save the earth and i have memories of it. Not an easy thing when a planet gets raided by the black creepies...

Wednesday, 2 August 2023

Machines of Terror


There are all sorts of perspectives on the reality of the current world. The vampire is great, but they have evolved and have their own tech, so do i, im one of them. But the others here are like ur terminator types or movie, pretty much the same thing, codes and death amd all that stuff, machines and drones. The interesting thing about movies is some are very prophetic and accurate. The T-Cells are something interesting to my research because it goes with a very shapeshifting intelligent blood goo that is the basis of this technology. Its very Asurian or Asuric...but for now these things are hidden from people because well not only have the shapeshifters evolved but so have the chameleons...

Modern day Vampire

 The modern day Vampire is a little bit different then what has been protrayed up to now. When u realize that what was the typical traditional vampire was hundreds of years ago. Now it is different, vampires that are out in space and not on earth are like a robot, hence blood blood, which is pumping through their veims, along with the squid body that it takes to manufacture a modern day vampire...take cain for example...who when he wakes off his light medatative sleep, cracks an ice block stick in half and burns it to sooth his eyes that pump the blood in as he opens them. Its been a few years, but an update is nessesary, its not a pale skin witch or demon with red eyes, its just a matter of updating ur knowledge on what ur seeing, if u ever see one. I myself will update this, as the current ones on earth are a little ahead of the rest.

Tuesday, 1 August 2023

To my wife Nefertiti


I know that as I am writing this, u know that i am and can see it from half way across the planet, u and my nemesis ishtar...but ..u being actual soulmate and from the same dna species as me, (unlike the bird, shh..) u understand me more then anyone and we haven't even met in this life. I guess for u (and some for alexandra, some..) true love never comes back for u and to haunt u. Guess which one is u and which one is the taloned one, even though both of u made up the same body once, one ontop of the other... Our language is beyond words, and only u can communicate with me on a higher level then any human and that to me makes u special. Most people can't even use words, and birdbrain well...she can't stop talking..but...there is something that u can send through that noone else can. Your lust overpowers everything in it's way, and finds me instantly. I had a memory, a vision of the past that someone else also saw, of us sitting on a two thrones next to each other, very much a lizard species, a carpet made of soggy blood and a very interesting power that i had, the same power that u have cast over me, that i have cast over someone else, but back at u coz what u give to me u will recieve back, even if it's just love.

Why Iblis was my chef ...


From personal experience with the Iblis and being the dracula guy, its pretty easy like in the photo to see why he became a servant of mine back in the day. I guess i wasn't much of a farmer and ran out of cows...but...there was iblis to cook up a good feed for us. And well, since i was also the akenaten guy, the big thing in the sky called the aten was probably just Iblis with his lasoos catching some exotic human breed from around the planet to bring back for us. It's hard feeding dragons, but this guy is all about fishing and catching and cooking and tracking. Great stuff...but these days it's a little different...for now...


 This code, use it, become it, it will evolve your blood and very dna to become a much much more evolved person then the rest of humanity, the neighbour and your family. They'll be envious of u by the time u'r done, they will never fuck with u again. Make sure u rub u'r success in their face, because well usually they are your worst enemy. Give it to noone, keep this code to yourself, and if u find someone else that is using it, tell them it's bullshit, after all, who believes this crap right? When your a coded weapon and living the life u want to live, the only life u can, the things u give will only go to the right source and not the enemy that just wants to use u for all u got. Even your dog should have this code branded on it, coz if u stoped feeding it, it too will bite u. Be careful, because there are people smarter then u, that will try and turn the code onto u, but u can feel it, just keep using it and u'll be the person u need to be, and they will not have as much as u, u'll have so much, u'll be giving it away.

The 'black' Plague

  The 'black plague', something thrown around for years and noone even knew what it was. Well it was an end of world scenario. There...