This code, use it, become it, it will evolve your blood and very dna to become a much much more evolved person then the rest of humanity, the neighbour and your family. They'll be envious of u by the time u'r done, they will never fuck with u again. Make sure u rub u'r success in their face, because well usually they are your worst enemy. Give it to noone, keep this code to yourself, and if u find someone else that is using it, tell them it's bullshit, after all, who believes this crap right? When your a coded weapon and living the life u want to live, the only life u can, the things u give will only go to the right source and not the enemy that just wants to use u for all u got. Even your dog should have this code branded on it, coz if u stoped feeding it, it too will bite u. Be careful, because there are people smarter then u, that will try and turn the code onto u, but u can feel it, just keep using it and u'll be the person u need to be, and they will not have as much as u, u'll have so much, u'll be giving it away.
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