Wednesday 2 August 2023

Modern day Vampire

 The modern day Vampire is a little bit different then what has been protrayed up to now. When u realize that what was the typical traditional vampire was hundreds of years ago. Now it is different, vampires that are out in space and not on earth are like a robot, hence blood blood, which is pumping through their veims, along with the squid body that it takes to manufacture a modern day vampire...take cain for example...who when he wakes off his light medatative sleep, cracks an ice block stick in half and burns it to sooth his eyes that pump the blood in as he opens them. Its been a few years, but an update is nessesary, its not a pale skin witch or demon with red eyes, its just a matter of updating ur knowledge on what ur seeing, if u ever see one. I myself will update this, as the current ones on earth are a little ahead of the rest.

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